While this prediction was quickly discredited, over the next twenty years every environmental scientist not completly paid off by big industry admited that yeah, shit was real bad. Two thousand and eight and it is commonly accepted that yeah, we are fucked. But we are quick to add that everything will be ok and this is really not something we want to talk about or think about.
February thus far was spent on my couch being hungover and at work being hungover. At home CNN tells me there are massive snow storms in China, millions of workers stranded, losses of 4.5 billion dollars already..
In America USA today reports of rare winter tornadoes in the Midwest. Powerful Pacific storms with hurricane force winds. More than 1,000 daily high temperature records. In Chicago the temperature dropped more then thirty degrees in six hours. And the solidly conservative USA Today admits that the extremes are getting more extreme.
In the eighties it was also predicted that there would be a time in the early two thousands where the entire GDP of the world would be less then the damages caused by a warming world.
Not all of us are afraid to talk about this. But it certainly goes against hipster street cred to care about anything...
A coworker just got back from L.A. and said it was raining the whole time. It seems their total rainfall this winter is higher Seattle's. (!?!)
There was a tornado.
On the west coast.
In January.
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