There was plenty to be learned & taught tonight at Eugene's MAC COURT where Barak Obama is scheduled to speak in relatively 30 minutes. If you can't get in (you can't) it is airing on channel nine, as well as channel 12 here in Eugene.
15 or so people from the door I was turned away only to learn that the 9,000 capacity venue was full! In a hurry I raced to the soccer field where I was told he would be making a brief appearance for those who couldn't make it inside.
The crowd was anxious to hear what he had to say. Turns out Eugene really likes Obama as there were nearly 20,000 people gathered around a 4 feet wide by 4 feet long podium where he would make his appearance. Kanye west was bumping and the girl next to me told me the song before I got there was Angels & Airwaves when she saw me write Kanye down. People were shouting in chinese what the man next to me translated "ADD OIL OBAMA". Still not sure about what that meant. I learned an Obama drinking game in which every time he says hope or change you take a shot. Apparently c-span can get you drunk now.
When he finally took the stage he was charismatic as all hell, greeting us with a hello and "Sorry about the Ducks this year..." following it with, "There's always next year." Last thing I thought I'd hear from a presidential candidates mouth. Obama went on to identify this nation as being in a state of extreme difficulty and in a time of severely damaged trust in our nation(Everyone cheers in agreement). He spoke briefly about the economy problems surrounding every aspect of our nation adding a wink wink to college tuition (Everyone cheers in agreement).
Obama continued by ensuring that he has a plan that will afford us the ability to invest in our cities, address health care effectively and, "finally bring this war to an end". Barak informed everyone that he hopes to be the voice of all of us who have become cynical in our contempt for the state of things and assured us that, "When the American people wake up, nothing can stop us."
His speech was brief but powerful enough to evoke cheers from a crowd rivaling that of RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE at last years Coachella.
He ended by saying he wanted to shake some hands. One of which was my very own. Everyone was very respectful and appreciative of his appearance however short, and many of us rushed home (or to the bar, as one person shouting "BARAK AND ROLL!" had surely been doing). That shit was surreal.
It is indeed as he put it, "...a close race", so be sure to get to voting come MAY 20th. If you are in Eugene, again check out channels 9 and 12 in about 10 minutes.
note those pictures were not taken here in Eugene... although that is about what it looked like.
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