I have been having more and more conversations with people lately about the youth and the apathy that seems to be having a snowball effect amongst them.
We all see it happening around us and instead of climbing up and out we fall right into it. I'm sure you all know the ways in which we do it, too.
In Portland especially, there are many amazingly intelligent people that have good hearts, access tons of information and connections, and more than anything: potential. Potential to change the world in whatever ways they so choose. And, we all know who's capable of what. Their voices inspire us and leave us filled with hope. Often though, we find ourselves first hoping they will go out into the world and walk the walk instead of just talking the talk.
Even I am capable of doing more in the world, or even just for myself, than writing a blog. But it seems I too have been caught in this downward spiral of an apathetic lifestyle. The roller coaster of emotional instability it creates is constantly breaking my heart.
I may be speaking for myself more than anyone else, but I'm pretty sure there are many of us who look around and see little hope because everyone else we see, also seems to hold no hope. And it goes on and on.
It is the opinion of many that the most we can do for ourselves and those we love is be there for each other. Be a community where people can rely on their friends and ((neighbors)). But it seems the seediness of our social pride and status driven culture takes precedence over the peace and love our hearts yearn for.
Yeah right, I may be preaching another peace and love sob story like those dope smoking hippies who didn't really accomplish much more than our own generation of revolutionaries has, but maybe these conversations that keep happening- `on the streets, in bars, cars, and in our hearts, could start creating tangible motivation.
We go out and fuck ourselves up to forget why we are all so fucked up. While sometimes we crawl to happy hour for happiness, we also invent new reasons everyday for a celebration combined with consumption. Maybe, the reasons we are constantly finding ourselves drinking past social awkwardness and letting go of inhibitions is really so that we may find new doors into new hearts and feel some sense of unity??
My question is, what can we do to change this...
and is there really a point?
Meet me at Happy Hour and we'll talk.