We started off at The Sapphire Hotel where we drank dirty Hendrick martini's. Then vodka, vodka, vodka at Holocene with Erik (who is seriously the man).
Some Juicy Fruit or Juicy Team or Team Juice DJ's opened with some absolutely atrocious mixing which they got away with quite fine. It helps that it was the GF of the guy from YACHT and the owner of that record label and they were bobbing and weaving like they had never heard Electro music before.
DATR played which was so-so. Are they really making interesting music? Do we care? It's like playing two kick drums with three key boards, two joysticks and a magic wand. It looks interesting but it is still just two kick drums.
Ultimate reality was enthralling. Video footage of Arnold Swartz spliced together all crazy with two live drummers. It is hard for me to describe. I heard Erik tell it in quite some detail last night so we will get back to that.
Dan Deacon himself? What is there to say? It was a sold out crowd go batshit-beserk in anticipation (why?) when all he was doing was pressing play on an ipod and playing with the lights. Oh and he had a flashing green skull on a stick. I guess that was alright...
The music itself is great but probablly best reserved for late night hacking or drives along the coast. Right when I was starting to dig it we saw some horrendous bitch named Elana right up front with her mouth half open and her lepord print dress thing writhing around like a snake...
Thats when we left. And went to Hughie's B'day party.
It's daytime now, and I am at Holocene getting ready to cook some stuff. Dan Deacon and crew were packing up and he asked if he could use my computer. Right after he was done I opened your bulletin to find "DAN DEACON SUCKED" or something like that. It would have been way too funny (or maybe just awkward) if I had been a few minutes faster in opening that bulletin.
Ultimate Reality was totally rad for a concert/film. I'll give you quick thoughts here for your readers, since you said I had stuff to say about it. (Which I do.) It's basically a montage of clips from Arnold Schwartzunnnsnsr films, layered up on each other so that at times there may be 5 to 10 clips playing at once. The colors, brightness, and contrast get tweaked, and most of the piece makes great work of reflective symmetry. Between the music and the visuals, everything is super psychedelic. Actually I have to go see Cloverfield now, so I can't write much more. But I'll give you a good review soon. Maybe you can post it???!
Your assessment of Dat'r is hilarious (despite that I totally like them.) Like I always say: "You can't polish a turd." But it's hard for me to hear much speakerpoop when they are such fun performers to watch.
I'm willing to concede to you that a few of their songs do get into cheesy mid-nineties "big beat" territory. Even if it's intended to be ironic or nostalgic I can't really care because I didn't like the Crystal Method or The Prodigy back then and I still think it's boring now.j
why does it say "j" at the end?
haha luv ya Erik, no both bands are good and everything, I just wanted to harass something that night.
that would have been fucking hilarious if he had opened your computer to that, but I am glad he did not.
Personal thoughts on Dan Deacon -
I've never been too impressed by Dan Deacon's music. Due to the flurry of rave reviews, I already had an impression before I approached Spiderman Of The Rings. This is good and bad because on the one hand everyone likes it.... I probably will too, but on the other its not really organic. I didn't discover something I like, rather I am approaching something I'm expecting to like. I guess thats all besides the point. I enjoy his album a lot but hardly ever give it an entire run through, and it is that exactly which made me want to leave half way through his actual set. Ultimate reality was brief, but it reminded me of an age old expression: Short but sweet. I was all excited to continue my night after that ridiculous visual contortion but when reminded that Dan was going to play an actual set of his music... it became more of a chore to stick around.... so I didn't. And thats what I think about his performance.
plus group exercises before shows are quite lame, and rather annoying.
I agree 100% about Deacon
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