The decidedly less hip Hillary spoke yesterday in a number of Oregon cities. I caught her here in Eugene where she appeared in true bobble-head fashion. This sounds like an insult, but in a lot of ways it truly sums up her advent pretty flawlessly.
The wait for her to go on was a gut-wrenching pep rally that was 90% women whom all seemed ready to vote for Hillary regardless of what she said. She was late, so as to distract us, the crowd was given out call sheets with Eugene residents' phone numbers, names and a script that basically said, "voting for hillary? [If yes] good for you. [if no] well you should." I don't know much about any of the candidates, so I have attended these speeches in hopes of learning more, but this seemed less of an informative get together more of a sitcom screening. In fact, Hillary even said, "Let me look like Oprah here for a second." but truth is, the whole thing felt undoubtedly how an Oprah screening would feel.
She paused frequently in-between her speaking of global warming, education, and health care as if to wave an applaud sign. Maybe it isn't her fault everyone was cheering so much, but she didn't seem to mind, constantly nodding in agreement to the cheers in absolute bobble-head fashion. Like Obama, Clinton made mention of nearly every American lament, of course, and also like Obama, saying she was the second-coming of Christ and able to fix said problems. The problem here, and with Obama's speech, is that everything is so vague. Sure you can make mention of problems and get everyone to agree that they need fixing, but if you don't elaborate on the 'how to' it kind of seems pointless to mention.

As I've now made perfectly clear, however, this appearance was not intended for me, the uninformed. This was obviously scheduled to be a gathering of Clinton fans, sure as shit of whom they're voting for. OH! one funny thing to add... when Ted Kulongoski was introducing her he said, "I'm not just voting for Hillary because she is going to be the first woman president" to which a number of people in the crowd shouted, "I am!". And I feel like thats what is wrong with both democratic candidates. A number of people WILL vote for each regardless of their politics and due to their respective differences from past presidents.
If I gleaned anything from this though, it is that although I would rather see Obama in office, Big Clint wouldn't be the worse president in the world. Anything but that mole-rat McCaine.